Array of unique values with foreach


Viewed 860 times


I got the following foreach to pick up the id of the devices that were used in each sector:

@foreach($relatorio->Empresa->SetorEmpresa as $setor)
   {{ $collection[] = $setor->SetorEmpresaEdificacao->id_aparelho_ruido }}

The problem is that when 2 sectors have been measured with the same device, I get that value 2 times. How do I make it not happen?

I’m getting it like this:

array:3 [▼
  0 => 1
  1 => 1
  2 => 2

I need to receive like this, without repeating:

array:2 [▼
  0 => 1
  1 => 2

2 answers


Have you tried the array_unique? He gets the argument array and returns a new array with no duplicated values.

$input = array("a" => "verde", "vermelho", "b" => "verde", "azul", "vermelho");
$result = array_unique($input);

The above example will print:

    [a] => verde
    [0] => vermelho
    [1] => azul



  • I even read about this unique array, but I couldn’t apply it. Applying this way doesn’t work, because I don’t pass the array there, but an integer.

  • How is this array? Where is it being defined?

  • she is raised there msm in foreach. $Collection[] = ...

  • got... put $Collection = array_unique($Collection) after foreach

  • Good man, that’s it!


Dude, if it’s just the value you need, you can set the indexes of your array with the incoming id values. php overwrites all indexes that are equal, so you will only have a single index that represents your device id’s.

@foreach($relatorio->Empresa->SetorEmpresa as $setor)
   {{ $collection[$setor->SetorEmpresaEdificacao->id_aparelho_ruido] = $setor->SetorEmpresaEdificacao->id_aparelho_ruido }}

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