How to receive the selected item from a combo box and use in another select?


Viewed 545 times


Good morning Programmers.. I need a favor, next I have a combobox that is generated through a select so far everything ok .. I need to receive this item selected by the user and save the information because in the next combobox I use this information, that is, I use this item selected in a select... the business is the following has several companies with various branches each, when the user selects his company, I want that in the next combobox appear the affiliates of the selected company, ta everything going in the conforms only I have to save this information selected... follows the codes:

<select size="1" name="Empresa" id="Empresa" onchange="opcao()">
                            <option selected value="Selecione">Empresa </option>                            
                             echo '<option value= "'.$resposta2[$x][0].'">'.$resposta2[$x][1].' </option>';



                        <select size="1" name="Unidade">
                            <option selected value="Selecione">Unidade</option>
                             echo '<option value= "'.$resunid[$x][0].'">'.$resunid[$x][1].' </option>';


In the first as I already have all system companies, I need that in the onchange where I call a js, be saved the selected item and use in the function called follow the js

<script type="text/javascript">
           function opcao(){
                     var x = document.getElementById("Empresa").selectedIndex;

                     var endereco = document.getElementById("Empresa").options[x].value;

                     if (endereco != "#")
                       var $unid = document.getElementById("Empresa").value;    
                             window.location = "totalpago.php?parametro=$unid"

after saving the selected item you need to assign that item no in the function below

function todasunidades()

            if (!conectaBancoDados()) {
                    $resposta2 = "<center><b>Não foi possível estabelecer conexão com o Banco de Dados!</b></center>";

                    $comandoSql = "SELECT Cod_UC, UC FROM Tab_UC where Cod_Empresa=";  é aqui que preciso usar o item selecionado...

                    $dados = mysql_db_query($bancoDados, $comandoSql) or die (mysql_error());
                    while ($linha = mysql_fetch_array($dados))

                            $resunid[$x][0] = $linha["Cod_UC"]; 
                            $resunid[$x][1] = $linha["UC"]; 

            return $resunid;

and in cod_company, I need to use the selected item.. if someone intended and can help me thank you

1 answer


Instead of using windows.Location you should use one ajax request

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "totalpago.php?parametro="+$unid, true);
var unidades = xhttp.responseText;

To prevent the ajax call from being made when selecting the option Select an if to validate if the value of the Select as in this example

referring to your php function you must give a get of the parameter you are passing

$comandoSql = "SELECT Cod_UC, UC FROM Tab_UC where Cod_Empresa=" .$_GET['parametro]; 

the answer you return in json format

return json_encode($resunid);

your final js script should be something like

function opcao(){
  var x = document.getElementById("Empresa").value;
  if (endereco != "")
    var x= document.getElementById("Empresa").value;    

    //Chamada ajax
    var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "totalpago.php?parametro="+$unid, true);
    var unidades = xhttp.responseText;

    //Aqui você deverá fazar a lógica para alimentar o select


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