How to hide process by clicking button


Viewed 477 times


I wonder if it is possible I get the id of a program like in the example and hide it (since it is already open), taking it from the navigation bar (, that is, when clicking the button it hides the program, but it continues running normally and hidden. I haven’t tried anything yet because I still don’t understand how to do.

  • You don’t need to tag visual-studio when the problem is unrelated to the IDE. See this question for more details.

  • Explain better what you intend to do? Hide a third-party application? Or open your application "minimized"?

  • hide third party application, not only minimize too, I know how to open hidden, but do not know hide when already opened .

1 answer


There are several ways to do this, but here’s one of the easiest.

Above all, refer to this namespace:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Now declare that function.

<DllImport("user32.dll")> _
Private Shared Function ShowWindow(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Boolean
End Function

And use this method to display or hide something.

Public Sub AlterarStatus(ByVal NomeDoProcesso$, ByVal Status As Integer)
    Dim mywindow As Integer
    Dim processRunning As Process() = Process.GetProcesses()
    For Each pr As Process In processRunning
        ' Uso do ToLower() para ignorar maiúsculas de minúsculas, se não quiser isso, remova
        ' nos dois membros
        If pr.ProcessName.ToLower() = NomeDoProcesso.ToLower() Then
            mywindow = pr.MainWindowHandle.ToInt32()
            ShowWindow(mywindow , Status)
        End If
End Sub

In the argument Status, if its value is 0, the window will be occult, if it’s 1, she will be showoff.

  • hello, your code seems to me useful, seems to be what I seek, but I did not understand how to use it

  • Insert the first code into the first line of your file; put the second and third code into the application class; call the method AlterarStatus() to change the display of a process.

  • Hello, the code worked to hide, but when I change 0 for 1 the process does not appear again, I am using it like this:

  • Try to implement an external call to show the process.

  • 1

    I am using 2 different button, as so external call, could show an example, but anyway your code was very useful to me ^^

  • Click the up arrow (next to the answer) and the V sign to mark this answer as correct, helps me a lot ^-^

  • It was very helpful your help thanks , but still could not make appear again u.u

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