Guys I’m having a problem, I have function that when passing card number returns the flag name (visa, Maxcard etc)
And I need to return the flag name within a Statica function
$bandeira = getBandeiraByNumber("55523131232131"); retorna string visa
Here is the play
It returns this error
Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: Gateway\One\DataContract\Enum\CreditCardBrandEnum::$bandeira in /var/www/html/exec/mundipagg/Mundipagg.php on line 148
Abstract class is like this.
namespace Gateway One Datacontract Enum;
abstract class CreditCardBrandEnum
const VISA = 'Visa';
const MASTERCARD = 'Mastercard';
const HIPERCARD = 'Hipercard';
const AMEX = 'Amex';
const DINERS = 'Diners';
const ELO = 'Elo';
const AURA = 'Aura';
const DISCOVER = 'Discover';
const CASASHOW = 'CasaShow';
const HAVAN = 'Havan';
const HUGCARD = 'HugCard';
const ANDARAKI = 'AndarAki';
const LEADERCARD = 'LearderCard';
In case I want to turn a variable into const Static, but I’m not getting it.
What he tries to read is
Does this exist in the class? See the constant capitalization too, if possible add to the question.– rray
@rray yes there is, I re-edited. da a look
– TutiJapa Wada