I have a server in Django running on my computer "localhost:8000/posts", and I am creating an Android client to access it.
Debugging my application on a real device, I tried to access by my Ipv4 knowing that both the computer and the cell phone are in the same subnet "192.168.X. X:8000/posts", However I can not access this link by mobile browser.
I checked the "Chrome://Inspect/" option in Google Chrome, but I don’t know how this can help me or if it can help me.
However, someone knows that it is the best alternative to establish this connection by both my App and browser?
Added <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> to Androidmanifest.xml ?
– Reginaldo Rigo
You are trying to access via WI-FI?
– Reginaldo Rigo
Reginaldo, Yes the 2 are connected to the same WI-FI network.
– user5020
I put the INTERNET Permission, but the problem is beyond the application itself, since I can not access my server by the mobile browser itself
– user5020
You can access the service using the browser of another machine on your network?
– Reginaldo Rigo
Neither from another nor from the computer itself, it just keeps charging
– user5020
And you can stop and start the service in the Control Panel?
– Reginaldo Rigo