Run Javascript code by clicking link within DIV


Viewed 845 times


I have this javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var domain = '<?=$x['host']?>';
    var auto_surf = <?=($site['surf_type'] == 1 ? 0 : 1)?>;
    var sid = '<?=$sit['id']?>';
    var hash = '<?=MD5(rand(1000,9999))?>';
    var barsize = 1;
    var maxbarsize = 250;
    var numbercounter = <?=$surf_time?>;
    var numbercounter_n = <?=$surf_time?>;
    var adtimer = null;
    var focusFlag = 1;
    var fc_override = <?=($site['surf_fc_req'] == 1 ? 0 : 1)?>;
    var fc_skip = <?=($site['surf_fb_skip'] == 1 ? 1 : 0)?>;
    var buster_listener = 1;
    var buster = 0;
    var buster_red = '?skip=<?=$sit['id']?>&bd';
    var surf_file = 'surf.php';
    var can_leave = <?=($sit['id'] == 0 ? 'true' : 'false')?>;
    var report_msg1 = '<?=mysql_escape_string($lang['b_277'])?>';
    var report_msg2 = '<?=mysql_escape_string($lang['b_236'])?>';
    var report_msg3 = '<?=mysql_escape_string($lang['b_237'])?>';
    window.onbeforeunload = <?=($site['surf_fb_skip'] == 1 ? 'bust' : 'function () {if (can_leave == false) {var a = "";var b = b || window.event;if (b) {b.returnValue = a;}return a;}}')?>;

But I want to execute this code by clicking on a link within this DIV:

<div class="fb-post" onclick="test()" data-href="<?=($sit['url'] == '' ? ($site['surf_type'] != 1 ? 'system/modules/surf/nocoins.html' : 'system/modules/surf/nopage.html') : hideref($sit['url'], ($site['hideref'] == 1 ? 1 : ($site['hideref'] == 2 ? 2 : 0)), (empty($site['revshare_api']) ? 0 : $site['revshare_api'])))?>" data-width="750" data-show-text="false"></div>

1 answer


You have to register an event to be monitoring the action of click in his div. Note that here is being monitored all the elements that have the classname equal to fb-post, where classname corresponds to the attribute class of your tag div.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  document.querySelector('.fb-post').addEventListener('click', function() {
    // coloque o seu código aqui dentro

I strongly recommend that you do not mix code PHP with Javascript. Also search the term Javascript Nonobstructive and HTML Semantic.

  • am matuto kkkkk as is the code?

  • in the case would look like this: Document.addeventlistener('Domcontentloaded', Function() { Document.querySelector('. fb-post'). addeventlistener('click', Function() { <script type="text/javascript"> JAVASCRIPT CODE </script> }) });

  • anyone ? to help me is very important

  • What I gave you is Javascript code. So just put the JS code snippet you want in there.

  • in the case would look like this? Document.addeventlistener('Domcontentloaded', Function() { Document.querySelector('. fb-post'). addeventlistener('click', Function() { <script type="text/javascript"> JAVASCRIPT CODE </script> }) });

  • Someone to see if it’s right?

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