I’m creating a method to hide the elements that are zeroed out from an excel file, but the problem that it can’t catch the values when the column is a formula. How can I get these values?
My code:
private static ByteArrayOutputStream ocultarZerados(ByteArrayOutputStream arquivo) throws Exception
InputStream arquivoExcel = new ByteArrayInputStream(arquivo.toByteArray());
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(arquivoExcel);
XSSFSheet s = (XSSFSheet) wb.getSheetAt(1);
for (Row linha : s)
for (Cell coluna : linha)
if(coluna.getCellType() == 1)
System.out.print(coluna.getStringCellValue() + "|");
else {
System.out.print(coluna.getNumericCellValue() + "|");
return arquivo;
I ran the test using poi 3.17 and it worked normally. In case you haven’t been able to solve the problem, if you can,.
– Fagner Fonseca