HTTP 500 error in Drupal Ajax


Viewed 450 times


Days ago the server made a reboot unscheduled and since then when trying to edit any data in Drupal, the error below is returned.

The error happens when I click the button "Customize this page".

I’ve already Googled a solution, but I’ve run out of options. What can it be?

HTTP error occurred in Ajax.

HTTP Output Code: 500

Follow information for debugging.

Path: /panels/ajax/Ipe/save_form/panel_context%3Apage-homepage%3A%3Apage_homepage_panel_context_2%3A%3A%3A

Status Text: Internal Server Error

Reply Text: ! responsetext

  • what the log says?

  • @Brunorozendo qual log? The only log I have is Alert that appears in the browser with the message I posted above. I know little of drupal, so I ask, which log do you refer to? Thank you.

  • Search for apache log. You’re running drupal on windows or linux?

  • @Brunorozendo Linux, but I don’t have access to apache log, I’m not an administrator.

  • if you are already on a web host you probably have access to the logo via ftp, usually gets on root: /log or something like, take a look around, see what you find

  • @Brunorozendo yes, we usually have errolog but I can’t find it anywhere... but it’s hard to know what the problem is :(

  • Contact the server and say that you need the log, because without it you cannot identify the problem

  • @Brunorozening I ended up having access via FTP and Cpanel, I did not find errolog anywhere... could be some configuration in Cpanel, drupal or htacess so that no errolog is generated? I changed the php version and it worked, so it must really be a problem in php and there must be an errolog somewhere. Thank you.

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1 answer


The problem has been solved.
Due to a server upgrade, for some reason the php version has been changed to 5.4.
I selected version 5.3 again and it worked again.
Surely it was version incompatibility.

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