Problem with editing database data


Viewed 77 times


I had already asked a question before why the modal did not multiply with the while (It’s already solved). That was the result:

$editar = 0;
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT a.n_processo,a.nome,a.data_nasc,,g.designacao,
FROM alunos a, cursos g, tipo_curso t
WHERE a.n_curso = g.n_curso
AND g.id_tipo_curso = t.id_tipo_curso");
<!-- ----------------CABEÇALHO---------------------------- -->

<table class="tabela1">
        <td id="tb1">Nº Processo</font>
        <td id="tb2">Nome</font>

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))

    echo "<TABLE class='tabela2'>";
    echo "<TR class='tabela2'>";
    echo "<TD  style='padding-left:5px;width:20%;'>".$row['n_processo']."</TD>";
    echo "<TD style='padding-left:15px;width:55%;'>".$row['nome']."</TD>";
    echo "<TD style='text-align: right; letter-spacing: 5px; padding-right:10px;'>";

//  ----------------------------BOTAO EDITAR ------------------------------------ -->

echo "<button class='menubotao' id='editar' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#myModal3".$editar."'>
    <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>

echo "</TR>";

echo "</TABLE>";
echo "<button class='menubotao' id='editar' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#myModal3".$editar."'>
  <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>

echo"<div id='myModal3".$editar."' class='modal fade' role='dialog'>
<div class='modal-dialog'>

<div class='modal-content' style='letter-spacing:0px; text-align:left;'>
<div class='modal-header' style=' background-color:#ff6600;'>
<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal'>&times;</button>
<h4 class='modal-title' style='font-size:25px; color:#FFF;'>Atualizar Dados</h4>

<div class='modal-body' style='font-size:20px;'>

   <p><b>Nº de processo:</b>
        <input type='text' name='procedit' id='procedit' style='border:0px solid #b3b3b3; width:100px; text-align:center; border-radius:5px; background-color:#bfbfbf;' maxlength'5' id='n_processo' value='".$row['n_processo']."' >


<p><b>Nome:</b> <input type='text' name='nomeedit' id='nomeedit' onkeypress='return letras()' id='nome' required maxlength='150' style='border:0px solid #b3b3b3;background-color:#bfbfbf; width:400px; padding-left:10px; border-radius:5px;' value='".$row['nome']."' ></p>


 <p><b>Data Nascimento:</b> <input type='text' id='data_nascedit' maxlength='10' name='data_nasc' style='border:0px solid #b3b3b3; width:130px; background-color:#bfbfbf;text-align:center; border-radius:5px;' value='".$row['data_nasc']."'></p>


 <p><b>C.C. <small>(Cãrtao de Cidadão)</small></b>: <input type='text' name='ccedit' style='border:0px solid #b3b3b3; width:160px; text-align:center; border-radius:5px; text-transform:uppercase;background-color:#bfbfbf;' value='".$row['cc']."' id='ccedit'></p>



<div class='modal-footer'>
     <button type='button' id='btnedit' class='btn btn-primary' style='background-color:#ff6600;border:1px solid #ff6600;'><i class='fa fa-pencil fa-2x'></i></button>
    <button type='button' class='btn btn-default' data-dismiss='modal'><i class='fa fa-times fa-2x'></i></button>



I also have the masks for the fields:

$("#ccedit").mask("99999999?9-9aa9", {placeholder: ""});

My problem is that after the query done, shows in a table the data in which each row of records has an icon, this icon serves to show the modal shown above, with the information in inputs editable. And my problem is that only in the first row of the table when I click on the icon, the inputs obey the respective masks, whereas in the others, the same does not happen. I thought I might need a counter for the input id for the mask, but I don’t know how to apply it in javascript, like:

contador =0;

then us input:

id='.... '". $counter"'';

and in the mask:


And on the refresh page I have:

$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE alunos SET n_processo = $n_proc, nome = '$nome', data_nasc = '$data_nasc', cc = '$cc' WHERE n_processo = $n_proc"); 

    echo mysql_error();
    //echo "<script> sweetAlert('Oops...', 'Não foi conseguido atualizar os dados!', 'error'); </script>";
        echo"<script> sweetAlert('Sucesso!', 'Dados atualizados com sucesso!', 'success');</script>"; 


Another problem I have is when it sends to another page with the information via AJAX to edit in the database, I can only edit only the name, and even then sometimes it doesn’t work.

    $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE alunos SET n_processo = $n_proc, nome = '$nome', data_nasc = '$data_nasc', cc = '$cc' WHERE n_processo = $n_proc"); 

        echo mysql_error();
        //echo "<script> sweetAlert('Oops...', 'Não foi conseguido atualizar os dados!', 'error'); </script>";
        echo"<script> sweetAlert('Sucesso!', 'Dados atualizados com sucesso!', 'success');</script>"; 


This is a bit confusing, but basically the modals don’t share the same mask, and the problem of editing is probably due to this? If anyone knows of any method to get the desired thanks. Any doubt available. Thank you already.


    function darupdate(editas){

var proc=$(".procedit"+editas).val();
var nome=$(".nomeedit"+editas).val();   
var cc=$(".ccedit"+editas).val();
var data_nasc=$(".data_nascedit"+editas).val();

    $.post('actualiza.php',{ proc: proc, nome: nome, data_nasc: data_nasc, cc: cc },

  • 1

    Take a look at this:, This is not the solution to your problem, but it is one way to improve this code. But precisely, this snippet '<? php while(conditions) : ? > ... HTML CODE ... <? php endwhile; ? >'. (How to write an HTML block inside a wilhe, without using an echo for each line)

  • 1

    Something else that may also be very useful to you:

1 answer


And my problem is that only on the first row of the table when I click on icon, the inputs obey the respective masks, whereas in others, no the same happens.

        $("#ccedit").mask("99999999?9-9aa9", {placeholder: ""});

The ID is unique, if you define multiple fields with the same ID, the $(#...) query will fetch the first element set with that ID.

Solution: Swap the input ID for a class (For example in an input, you must replicate the solution to others).

    <p><b>Nº de processo:</b>
    <input type='text' name='procedit' class='procedit' style='border:0px solid #b3b3b3; width:100px; text-align:center; border-radius:5px; background-color:#bfbfbf;' maxlength'5' id='n_processo' value='".$row['n_processo']."' >

And when setting the mask, use the ". procedit" selector. So.


This should solve part of your problem (or whole);

  • user5978 worked for the classes, thanks. Now on AJAX pus a alert of each variable, but worked only for the first line. Knows some way to get around the problem of it?

  • Include in the question the code used to make this AJAX request.

  • $("#btnedit").click(function(){&#xA;var proc=$("#procedit").val();&#xA;var nome=$("#nomeedit").val(); &#xA;var cc=$("#ccedit").val();&#xA;var data_nasc=$("#data_nascedit").val();&#xA;alert("cheguei kirido");&#xA;alert(proc);&#xA;alert(nome);&#xA;alert(cc);&#xA;alert(data_nasc);&#xA; $.post('actualiza.php',{ proc: proc, nome: nome, data_nasc: data_nasc, cc: cc },&#xA; function(data)&#xA; {&#xA; $("body").html(data);&#xA; }) &#xA;&#xA;});

  • 1

    var proc=$("#procedit"). val(); ? Same problem. You’re using id to fetch various inputs, as I said, it doesn’t roll. Switch to class, and see what.

  • I found a solution, but some Undefined variables appear, I have to look better about it. But I did, in the classes: class=nomeedit".$editar." since the $editar is the model counter, then on the button, I did onclick='darupdate(".$editar.");' and in the Javascript function darupdate(y) I was able to concatenate the variables like this var nome = $(".nomeedit"+y); I’d also like to know the difference between class and ID, if you can explain. :)

  • The problem with Undefined was because I forgot to apply the counter to one of the inputs. Now the problem will be the mask, since I use counter in the class of inputs, I also have to assign it in the mask.

  • Edit the question, and put the request code in ajax, indented. If possible.

  • already includes AJAX user5978

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