Sending problem in contact form Bigstream Wordpress theme, configuration of mail-it.php file


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I am not managing to make contact form of the wordpress theme Bigstream work, when I click to send it shows success message but the email does not arrive.

I found the following file 'mail-it.php' but I don’t know exactly how to configure, I tried to put my email in it but it didn’t help.

Does anyone have any idea how to set up the email below?


/* Code by David McKeown - */
/* Editable entries are bellow */

$send_to = "[email protected]";
$send_subject = "Ajax form";

/*Be careful when editing below this line */

$f_name = cleanupentries($_POST["name"]);
$f_email = cleanupentries($_POST["email"]);
$f_message = cleanupentries($_POST["message"]);
$from_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$from_browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

function cleanupentries($entry) {
    $entry = trim($entry);
    $entry = stripslashes($entry);
    $entry = htmlspecialchars($entry);

    return $entry;

$message = "This email was submitted on " . date('m-d-Y') .
"\n\nName: " . esc_attr( $f_name ) .
"\n\nE-Mail: " . esc_attr( $f_email ).
"\n\nMessage: \n" . ff_wp_kses( $f_message ) .
"\n\n\nTechnical Details:\n" . esc_attr( $from_ip ) . "\n" . esc_attr( $from_browser );

$send_subject .= " - {$f_name}";

$headers = "From: " . esc_attr( $f_email ) . "\r\n" .
    "Reply-To: " . esc_attr( $f_email ) . "\r\n" .
    "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();

if (!$f_email) {
    echo "no email";
}else if (!$f_name){
    echo "no name";
    if (filter_var($f_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        mail($send_to, $send_subject, $message, $headers);
        echo "true";
        echo "invalid email";

  • Already tested the mail function <?php if (mail('[email protected]', 'teste', 'teste mensagem', 'From: <[email protected]>')) echo 'enviou!'; ?> , to see if it is enabled on your server?

  • @Ivanferrer humm I did not test, as I would do. It is hosted on Ocaweb ...

  • Create a send.php file and run it, and put the data in the function, just like I did, only with the actual data and see if it prints on the "sent" screen and see if you received the email.

  • Locaweb has some patterns, see here.

  • @Ivanferrer showed up sent but no email arrived ... I’ll see this thing from Ocaweb ...

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