I’m developing a Java application with HSQLDB. When I access the database with absolute path, everything works ok:
String txtCon = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:C:/ITA/workplace/hsqldb-2.3.3/hsqldb/db/crudfx";
Then I put the db folder inside my project and I’m trying to access it by relative way:
String txtCon = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:db/crudfx";
And it doesn’t work at all... what I’m doing wrong?
How’s the hierarchy of your project? Which IDE are you using? I use this db with relative path of a folder within the project and never had any problems
– user28595
And another you say it doesn’t work, gives some error(stack of exception in the app)? Because as far as I know, when you do not find the path database informed, hsql creates a new empty bank, and the error should be because.
– user28595
Using Eclipse. Diego F, could you show how you show the relative path? The error is that it does not find the tables.
– Michel Fernandes
Cara edits your answer, is too superficial, can not know the problem if you do not provide more details. Read my second comment, it might help to resolve.
– user28595