On Android is possible to inflate a layout inside a gridview


Viewed 148 times


I’m trying to create an e-book reader, in the main Activity should appear a gridview where each position should present a thumbnail of the book cover, below appear the book name, author name and publication date: what I hope is something like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

BS.: Please disregard the stars and the options button only need the image and the three texts.

at the moment I am using a Gridview, to place within each position a Linear layout that contains an imageview and three textview.

My question is: Can I inflate a layout within a gridview or is there another way to do what I intend?

1 answer


The best solution in this case is to use Recyclerview and Gridlayoutmanager.

Recyclerview works as a Listview, that is, you will need an Adapter. This Tutorial in English shows how you can use Recyclerview. It uses Linearlayoutmanager. In your case, you will use Gridlayoutmanager.

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