how to view more than one project in the Visual Studio Code explorer?


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One question, I started to use the virtual studio code for testing, previously used the sublime, and what I’m missing and could not do was, make him accept I have more than one open project in the explorer, that is, I have two projects in different folders wanted both to be listed in the visual studio code explorer.

That is, it does not have the option "add folders to the project" equal has in sublime, ai every time I need to see something in a project and open a folder it closes the current project and opens another window with the new folder.

Can anyone tell me if there is a way? I thank you in advance,

  • 1

    I created a Workspace and added several folders. It seems that solves the problem.

3 answers


This has been debated for some time and is a resource not yet available at the moment.

In short, the community is working on the inclusion of this feature. The Roadmap set for September/2017, aims mainly to make the transition between the model a single root directory to multiple smooth, avoiding problems with extensions and functionality already existing. Probably, we will see this feature by the end of this year (2017).

Behold this link for the discussion of the proposal to include this resource and this for the Roadmap for Feature development.

  • Vlw...thank you very much I will follow the forum.. I looked for more had not found anything related to the subject.

  • Miguel, can you put some translated content from this link here? If the link fails your answer is unusable.

  • Certainly Sergio, really the answer was inadequate and the situation changed since then.


The most practical way is to open a new File->New Window and leave them side by side.


Just add folder to your Workspace:

Click on Arquivo > Adicionar Pasta ao Workspace. A window will Bir, for you to choose the folder you want to open with others.

Imagem mostrando aonde que fica o botão

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