Play videos on all devices


Viewed 226 times


I can’t get videos from a website to play on android and other devices.

I used Freemake Video Converter to turn my video into all HTML5 formats. So it already works on all browsers, on computers, but I do the tests and it does not run on any of my devices; tablet or android phones. But I ran tests on these devices, and I hacked into other websites and the videos there run on my devices perfectly. So obviously I’m missing something.

Where am I missing? or what is missing to get the video to be viewed on mobile phones?

<video id="video_principal" id=0 controls>
<source src="videos/video1.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
<source src="videos/video1.webm" type='video/webm' >
<source src="videos/video1.mp4" type='video/mp4'>
<p>Desculpe, mas não foi possível carregar o vídeo.</p>
  • What error occurs? Message appears Desculpe, mas não foi possível carregar o vídeo.? Or the video gets stuck?

  • No @Uilherme error appears, nor does the video tag error message appear. The screen turns black. Is it a 14 megas video and too big to play on mobile phones? and it is not being loaded or is on hold?

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