INSERT method with PHP OO error using SQL SERVER 2012


Viewed 112 times


This is my class connection in the database

class Conection {
    private $_host = 'ALISON\MSSQLSERVER2';
    private $_user = 'banco';
    private $_pass = '123456';
    private $_database = 'aulateste';
    private $_con;
    function __construct(){
    public function conecta() {
        $_coninfo = array("Database" =>$this->_database, "UID" =>$this->_user, "PWD" =>$this->_pass);
        $_con = sqlsrv_connect($this->_host, $_coninfo);

        if($_con) {
            echo "Conexão estabelecida";
            echo "Conexão não estabelecida";
            die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
            echo "<br>";

This is my method of insert :

public function cadastrar_autor($Id_autor,$Nome_autor, $Sobrenome_autor){
        $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_autor VALUES($this->Id_autor,$this->Nome_autor,$this->Sobrenome_autor)";
        $sql_inserir = sqlsrv_query($sql,$this->conect);                                   
        if($sql_inserir > 0){
            die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));


An invalid Parameter was passed to sqlsrv_query

  • What is the description of the error message ? you need to edit your question tell us more information about your problem , at which point this error occurs during the execution of the signup() ?

  • There are other ways to do it but literal values should be in simple quotes.

  • Which error appears? invalid syntax for missing single quotes in values? for some value in the Identity field?

  • @stringNome An invalid Parameter was passed to sqlsrv_query this is the following error, I did structured in this same segment and it worked, but OO gives this error, I’m new in SQL SERVER did not know that a different database made a big difference in the code, I’m from Mysql

  • @rray this is the error An invalid Parameter was passed to sqlsrv_query the connection exists but ta with the value of NULL

  • The correct is sqlsrv_query($this->conect, $sql);

  • already did this, this is the error when I change, sqlsrv_query() expects Parameter 1 to be Resource, Object Given in

  • Put the code that calls the inserir() vc does not store your connection anywhere.

  • I don’t understand what you mean

  • Somewhere you call cadastrar_autor() puts this code tbm

  • yes in my view I call the method register the bank class and distinct from the author class

  • you can put this code in the question?

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3 answers


Your code needs some observations:

1) When registering something in the database, it is recommended to keep a key auto_increment, this way there is no need to increment the author id.

2) When you pass parameters to insert data in the BD, you should put the quotation marks, only for values (boolean, numeric, now(), null, etc... that there is no need for quotation marks). However, passing the values without a treatment before, is an unsafe way of registering data in the database, as it gives space to SQL Injection, you can use treatments like: preg_split(), preg_replace('/sua_expressao_regular/','',$data), and other "bad things". I recommend using PDO in this case, if you are working with SQL Server, it contains placeholders that avoid this type of data entry and risk see the PDO here.

Solving the question, if you’re using $this, that belongs to your class in question does not make sense to pass the data by parameter. I understand that you must have already assigned by a method set, the data "name" and "surname", since they are attributes of your class, but I would make an improvement on this, not using capital letter at the beginning of attributes and follow the standard of normalization of Psrs:

private $Nome_autor;
private $Sobrenome_autor;

public function setNome($string)
    $this->Nome_autor = $string;

public function setSobrenome($string)
    $this->Sobrenome_autor = $string;
public function cadastrar_autor()
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_autor (nome, sobrenome) VALUES ('$this->Nome_autor','$this->Sobrenome_autor')";
   $sql_inserir = sqlsrv_query($sql,$this->conect);                                   
    if ($sql_inserir > 0) {
    } else {
      die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

Otherwise, it would be right to do this:

public function cadastrar_autor($nome, $sobrenome)
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_autor (nome, sobrenome) VALUES('$nome','$sobrenome')";
    $sql_inserir = sqlsrv_query($sql,$this->conect);                                   
    if ($sql_inserir > 0) {
    } else {
    die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

It would also separate the connection class from its entity "Author".


By the question code fragments and by the comments the main problem is that the connection is not made or passed correctly to the class Autor that performs the Insert.

Other problems are:

  • The class Conection does not store or return the connection.

  • The order of the arguments of sqlsrv_query() is inverted;

  • The code is vulnerable to sql Injection

  • The object brings the connection settings, but keep giving this error.


public function insert($sql){
    $return = sqlsrv_query($this->_con,$sql);
    if($return > 0){
        die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

public function cadastrar_autor($Id_autor,$Nome_autor, $Sobrenome_autor){
  $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_autor(Id_autor,Nome_autor,Sobrenome_autor)VALUES('$Id_autor','$Nome_autor','$Sobrenome_autor')";

This was the only solution I could, I created a method to insert in the Connection class,and I call it in the Author class with the method cadastrar_author. I am not very happy because I believe that the connection class is only for connection, and does not add other methods. If anyone knows any other way I can get through, I’d appreciate it.

  • this is my method of inserting, please I am new here, do not give me negative, I just want help, if it is negative or need to look

  • You can remove this item after all not a correct answer ? you should click edit and make the necessary edits to your question.

  • @stringName I’m new in this business just want a help nothing more

  • 1

    Yes there is another way to do it!

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