Boletophp: Problem when generating boleto do banco do brasil


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I am using the project of github BOLETOPHP to generate Banco do Brasil billets, so I passed all the data necessary to generate the billet, as value, due date, account, agency, etc...

Then when I click on the button to view the ticket, it comes all right, with the correct value, account, agency... However, when I went to try to pay the bill by internet banking, this error appears: "Bar code with invalid General DV".

Link to the generated Ticket:

BB’s Internet Banking Error Image:

ITAÚ’s Internet Banking Error Image:

Could someone help me, please...

  • Hey, you say what bank worked? but in the picture has error.

  • what I meant is that the boleto of the bank of the Itaú worked... that of the image is the boleto of the bank of the Brazil being tested in the internet banking of the Itaú...

  • 1

    You must follow the documentation of Banco do Brasil and check in your class how the barcode is generated, so you will be able to identify the DV is going wrong. There is another library of boletos also, in case you want to test that is Openboleto, Openboleto, I have updated files from several banks. Link to documentation BB:

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