PHP stopping inserting in the table


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I have an application that works with facebook activity log, I have 150 pages in monitoring, and I do the daily insertion of these lines:

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It has reached 500,000 records in 2 hours at most, only here comes the problem, before I worked regulating the time in the bot, then I removed this limitation, the database receives to a certain point and remains functional but does not insert, only after restarting vps does it insert a large amount of records even without the active bot.

I put events for internal log cleaning(to not order the same thing from the api), and to clear mysql logs (flush logs & binary purge) Usage PHP 5.4 + mariadb

Thanks in advance for any contribution

  • Can’t I know much with what you put, if you have more details, but come on, I imagine it’s memory, maybe you have some very big loop there? php generators have already helped me a lot as memory loops with a lot of data, but only for php+

  • Yeah, I’ve got an infinite loop capturing 24 hours, when there’s nothing current it starts updating the old ones and stuff. I’m at the moment with 24 GB of RAM and I don’t even use 1/3. When used in Debian the bots ran 24 hours without interruption, already in Centos it goes faster, but this problem occurs. I’ll take a look at this function you mentioned. But I think it might be a php variable, although I put Execution and Insert with -1. It inserts about 10 minutes only, but some tables do not go through this problem. In the logs nothing appears :/ neither apache nor mysql

  • timeout then, will it be, for you say that it stops after 10 minutes...

  • yes, exactly! In phpinfo it shows php.ini that I did the modification for runtime and inimited Insert, would there be any other variable to modify? This type of intermittence is complicated to debug :/ pq type hj the afternoon the problem was less recurrent and the time of 10 minutes was not rule...

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