Upload the entire site when logging in


Viewed 42 times


Well I wondered if it was possible when entering my website, the same be all loaded in the cache, so that during the browsing of the same there are not those dead times where the page is loading the information. Thank you

  • 1

    If your website has different pages the most you can do is improve the pages to be lighter. If you have the whole site on a page only that already happens. I find it difficult to answer this question.

  • with includes it improves?

1 answer


You may use the application cache to store the files that are commonly accessed on your pages, such as images, style files, and scripts. This will greatly decrease what you consider "dead time".

I could explain directly here how to use and restrict the application cache, but because it is an extensive subject and have enough content on the internet, I will just indicate some readings for your study and use:



The advantage of mastering this type of technology is to create an application that can be accessed even when the user does not have access to the internet.

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