Printdocument: Printing takes too long on IIS


Viewed 113 times


I am with an automation project (Web Service) where one of the functions is to print a text file (simple) server side.

This Web Service calls a dll composed of a "Printdocument" object and after adding some lines via "e.Graphics.Drawstring", sends the content to printer through the "Printername" method".

Everything works fine, but with a small detail: When the web service calls this dll, it takes 1 to 3 minutes to print.

At first I thought it could be my routine, so I did a Windows Forms project using the same dll and the printing time took almost nothing, a few seconds only.

I’ve tried everything, I’ve searched the Internet and I can’t find anything about it.

  • Your Windows Forms project you did was running on the same server or location?

  • Yes, I made a Win Forms testing application and ran it on the same server as Ws. The time difference was absurd. Printed in a matter of seconds.

  • 1

    Put your routine calling dll?

  • Without the routine to test and the time it took to prepare the edition(09/04/2016) I recommend the exclusion.

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