Problem uploading with php


Viewed 217 times


I am uploading php to the server. At first it worked perfectly. The problem is that now when it uploads to the folder on the server it changes the name.


try {

    if (
        !isset($_FILES['arquivo']['error']) ||
    ) {
        throw new RuntimeException('Parametros invalidos. Contate o administrador.');

    switch ($_FILES['arquivo']['error']) {
        case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
        case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
            throw new RuntimeException('O arquivo não foi selecionado.');
        case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
        case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
            throw new RuntimeException('O arquivo excedeu o tamanho máximo permitido (5mb).');
            throw new RuntimeException('Erro desconhecido. Contate o administrador.');

    if ($_FILES['arquivo']['size'] > 5242880) {
        throw new RuntimeException('O arquivo excedeu o tamanho máximo permitido (5mb).');

    $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    if (false === $ext = array_search(
            'pdf' => 'application/pdf',
    )) {
        throw new RuntimeException('<br />Arquivo com formato invalido (Extenção permitida: PDF).<br />');

    if (!move_uploaded_file(
    )) {
        throw new RuntimeException('<br />Falha ao fazer upload do arquivo. Contate o administrador.<br />');

    echo '<br />Arquivo enviado com sucesso <br />';

} catch (RuntimeException $e) {

    echo $e->getMessage();


How do I upload it with the original file name and not with tmp?

1 answer


if (!move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'],
    sprintf('Documentos/%s.%s', sha1_file($_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name']), $ext)

Note that in this code snippet you upload the file tmp_name, bound Documents/Archiveriemporio.ext.

Even, you ended up leaving the file extension ($ext) out of function sprintf.

 $_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'] //nome temporário do arquivo no servidor
 $_FILES['arquivo']['name']     //nome original do arquivo do computador do usuário

You need to upload the original file name.

 if (!move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'], sprintf('Documentos/%s.', $_FILES['arquivo']['name'], $ext)))

Remembering that in the code above, the function was removed sha1_file, that would create a hash of the file. However, you mentioned wanting to save with the original name.

Ultimately, the PHP file system gives us a function to rename files. You can refer to it in the documentation:

PHP: Name

  • I tried with the name in sprintf but did not put the ext in front. I will try when I get home. Thanks.

  • Buddy I had to make some changes to the code you gave me if (!move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'],&#xA; sprintf('Documentos/%s.', $_FILES['arquivo']['name'], $ext))) and now it worked perfectly, the way it passed me it wrote the extension in the name and more the . pdf, example.pdf.pdf. Thanks more if it wasn’t for your help I’d beat myself up for a long time.

  • Glad you solved your problem @Williancoqueiro :) Well, it went unnoticed. I’ve already edited the answer.

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