Problem with Sqlite in Asynctask’s onPostExecute method


Viewed 96 times


I’m having a problem running an Sqlite function in the Asynctask onPostExecute method. When I implement the same function in Activity it runs normally, but in onPostExecute it doesn’t even enter the breakpoint I put in the function.

The function that performs the user update is the following:

public class UpdateDatabaseOff{
    public static void updateUser(Context context, JSONObject object){
            User user;
            user = new User(object);
            Queries.setDataToDatabase(context, User.tableName, user);
        catch(JSONException e){

Queries class and setDataToDatabase function are below:

public static Integer setDataToDatabase(Context context, String tableName, GenericsTable genericsTable){
    long id = -1;

    try {
        if (genericsTable.getSingleCode() != null) {
            int rowsUpdate = getDatabase(context).get().update(tableName, genericsTable.getContentValues(), genericsTable.getSingleCode(), null);
            if (rowsUpdate == 0) {
                id = getBanco(context).get().insert(tableName, null, genericsTable.getContentValues());
                StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
                query.append(" SELECT id FROM " + tableName);
                query.append(" WHERE " + genericsTable.getSingleCode() );

                final Cursor cursor = Queries.getSelect(context, query);
                id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex("id"));
            id = getBanco(context).get().insert(tableName, null, genericsTable.getContentValues());
    } finally {

    return new Integer(String.valueOf(id));

Then, finally, I call the updateUser function on onPostExecute:

protected void onPostExecute(JsonReturn jsonReturn){
    UpdateDatabaseOff.updateUser(context, jsonenvio); //Não funciona

I don’t know what it could be. I tried to put the function in a Thread and nothing. Any help is welcome :)

  • marked the onPostExecute method with @override?

  • I marked @Geferson, thanks for the answer. I solved the problem, I will answer my question to close.

1 answer


I solved the problem, it was not passing any value to the user at the moment of receiving this value in theInBackground. For understanding:

In the Asynctask call, I have now set the user value

JsonParameter jsonParameter = new JsonParameter();
ConnectTask connectTask = new ConnectTask(context);

So Asynctask now has user value:

protected JsonReturn doInBackground(JsonParameter... params){
    user = params[0].getUser();

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