Return Date data according to month


Viewed 83 times


I developed the following function:

public function get_agendas()
    $this->db->select("*, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM data) as mes_referencia, count(id) as total_registros");
    $this->db->where("data >=", date("Y-m-d"));
    $this->db->group_by("EXTRACT(MONTH FROM data)");
    $this->db->order_by('id', 'ASC');
    $consulta = $this->db->get('agenda')->result();

        foreach($consulta as $valor){
            $valor->lista_agenda = $this->db->get('agenda')->result();

    return $consulta;

My question is the following: At the time to list all the records belonging to that month, as I would SQL?

I have 4 records in the database: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I need to display it this way:

Month 04 Record 1 Record 2

Month 05 Record 1

Month 06 Record 1

The first part, I already know that will search how many records and I can even display the month correctly, but in the second part of the code within foreach(), I do not know how to do. Thanks!

  • You want to display the amount of records per month or want to display the records grouped month by month?

1 answer


Your question is not clear, so I will answer for what I understand.

When you want to know the amount of data for a specific Month

select count(1) from horarioverificacao where EXTRACT(MONTH FROM data)=3

Below if you want to know the total for months

select  EXTRACT(MONTH FROM data) ,count(1) from horarioverificacao 
group by EXTRACT(MONTH FROM data)

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