List dates calculated per month based on parameters


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Based on two dates received per parameter, I am trying to list all dates per month (one date per month) based on the start date and up to the end date. These dates returned have to check the day of the week of the start date and the number of the week, to replicate that date for all months.

For example, @StartDate = 2016/04/15 and @EndDate = 2016/09/01, I note that the @StartDate is on a first Friday in April, so until @EndDate would date all the first Friday of each month:


In case @StartDate = 2016/04/12 and @EndDate = 2016/09/01, I note that the @StartDate is on the second Tuesday of the month of April, then would pick up every Monday Tuesdays of each month:


In case @StartDate = 2016/04/28 and @EndDate = 2016/09/01, I note that the @StartDate is last week to Thursday in April:


In the latter case he would have to take into account the number of weeks of each month, since there are months with 4 and another with 5 weeks.

3 answers


You can use a recursive CTE to generate the date list of the period and then filter the dates that correspond to the same day of the week and the week number in the month is the same as the start date.

declare @startDate date;
declare @endDate date;

declare @weekday int;
declare @weekmonth int;

select @startDate = '2016/02/15';
select @endDate = '2016/09/13';

select @weekday = DATEPART(dw,@startDate), -- dia da semana
    @weekmonth = DATEPART(day,@startDate)/7 + 1; -- número da semana no mês

;with dateRange as
  select dt = dateadd(dd, 1, @startDate)
  where dateadd(dd, 1, @startDate) < @endDate
  union all
  select dateadd(dd, 1, dt)
  from dateRange
  where dateadd(dd, 1, dt) < @endDate
select *
from dateRange 
where DATEPART(dw,dt) = @weekday
    and (DATEPART(day,dt)-1)/7 + 1 = @weekmonth
  • It seems to go a little bit along the lines of what I want, but for example, to fit into @starDate = '2016/02/01' ends up picking up only the Monday in the first week of the months, and in the month of March (for example) there is no 2nd week in the first week. I wanted to be able to return the first second in the month

  • I fixed the calculation of the @weekmonth variable to return the number of the week corresponding to the start date.

  • @exact rocodleiv, end up not working for on days at the end of the month. The example of choosing the @startDate = '2016/03/31';, is the last Thursday of the month (in this case March), for the next months has to pick up the last Thursday of the month, having or not the day 31

  • Indeed, there are many criteria to consider. I believe it is easier for you to have a Date table example, with pre-calculated fields ("last day of the week in the month", "number of the week in the month" etc).


Here is the solution:

set @NumSemana = datepart(day, datediff(day, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,@StartDate), 0), @StartDate)/7 * 7)/7 + 1;
WITH    AllDays
  AS ( SELECT  @StartDate  AS [Date], DATEPART(month, @StartDate) as validMonth
       UNION ALL
       SELECT   DATEADD(week, 1, [Date]), 
                iif(DATEPART(month,DATEADD(week, 1, [Date])) < validMonth + @PeriodicityRepeat, validMonth, validMonth + @PeriodicityRepeat)
       FROM     AllDays
            DATEPART(month,[Date]) <= DATEPART(month,@EndDate)
        and DATEPART(year,[Date]) <= DATEPART(year,@EndDate)
    SELECT [Date], validMonth, 
           row_number() over ( partition by DATEPART( month, [Date]) order by [Date]) ascOrder,
           row_number() over ( partition by DATEPART( month, [Date]) order by [Date] desc) descOrder
    FROM   AllDays 
    WHERE DATEPART(month, [Date]) = validMonth
select [Date]
from rankedDays
where ((ascOrder = @NumSemana and @NumSemana <=4 )  
        or (descOrder = 1 and @NumSemana = 5) 
        or [Date] = @StartDate )
   and [Date] < @EndDate 


You can use the DATENAME passing the weekday returns the name of the week varchar and DATEPART passing the weekday to return the week in a int

declare @StartDate datetime = 2016/01/15

SELECT DATENAME(weekday,  @StartDate)  -- Retorna o nome da semana varchar
SELECT DATEPART(weekday, @StartDate) -- Retorna a semana int 

declare @StartDate datetime = getdate();

WITH CTE_PastYearinWeeks
AS (
DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()-365), 0) as DateStart
SELECT DATEADD(WK,DATEPART(weekday, @StartDate),DateStart)
FROM CTE_PastYearinWeeks
WHERE DATEADD(WK,DATEPART(weekday, @StartDate),DateStart) <= GETDATE()
select  SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar, DateStart, 107),1,6) as WeekTitle
from CTE_PastYearinWeeks
  • Thank you Marco, but that’s not what I want

  • Really, just adapt there... I’ll have to leave here... only missed validate the start date and end... then finish

  • Yet you still don’t seem to be calculating the day and week well to get the date

  • I believe the ricidleiv response has what you need.

  • I wanted to do something like this link: in "Monthly (Frequency Type 4)":

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