Javascript / jQuery methods


Viewed 519 times


forEach / slice.Call() / [].slice()

Can someone give me a brief explanation of these methods, and when I can use them?

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    Do you already have the methods and want a problem? It would be more interesting if you bring a problem for us to guide you about which methods apply. Anyway, take a look at MDN.

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1 answer


You should note that jQuery methods are for applying to jQuery collections and not native arrays/objects.


The .forEach(el, index) is not a jQuery method. It is rather a native Javascript method introduced in version ES5. The jQuery correspondent for this method is the .each(index, el) which has the callback arguments reversed, and passes the el as a context to callback.

This method (both the native version and the jQuery version) are iterators. They are used to traverse an jQuery array or collection.


This method exists in jQuery and also in native Javascript. Again they are similar and do the same thing, respectively in jQuery collections or native arrays.

The method .slice() in itself, serves to create copies of pieces of an array/collection.

What does .call() or []

The methods I described above (and many others as well) have an internal method which is the .call(). This method allows calling the slice, forEach or another passing as context the first argument that this method receives. Remember I mentioned that the .forEach jQuery’s name is .each and passes the collection element as context? ie the this inside the callback... yeah, what jQuery does is call, etc....

The idea here is to call a function or method controlling the context in which it will be run.

Use [] is basically the same as, but shorter :) And allows converting Lists into arrays. Lists are not arrays, but can be converted into arrays. An example of a List is the result of document.querySelectorAll('div');, who do not have a method .forEach but can be iterated if used so:

var divs = []'div'));
// e depois:
    // fazer algo sobre o elemento <div> a ser iterado

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