Open different elements js


Viewed 78 times


I would like to know how I can create a function in JS/Jquey which opens a DIV which nay this visible.

However, I will have more than one DIV, and I need the JS to identify these DIV’s (I hope I was clear) rs!!

Obs: My code is a slider and when you click on certain image of the slider it will open that DIV with some information.

  • Please add an example of your HTML to the question.

  • I did not understand very well.. has a small image and when loading enters a larger image?

  • That’s pretty much it. When I click on the slide image will open a DIV with width 100% and height 100% inside this DIV we have the same image that was clicked, only in a larger size.

1 answer


With Jquery would look something like this:

1 - assign a class and a date attribute to the image/slide that will open the div and also the same id in the div that you would like to open with the click and make the following code:

<img class="classeImagem" src="caminho" data-alvo="idDaDivAberta01">
<div id="idDaDivAberta01">

2 - pass the Div id you want to open as a parameter.

   var id = '#'+$(this).data('alvo');
   //mostrando a div
   //se quiser fechar alguma que já esta aberta é só fazer verificador

//the function would look something like this:

function toggleDiv(id){
    //verifica se o elemento já aberto não é o mesmo do clicado
    if($(id).hasClass('aberta') == false){

I hope I helped, you can assign the character '#' in the value of the date attribute as well, although it is not a good practice. Remember to add a common class in div’s that will handle, and add the class in the first element that will already be opened.

  • Actually I think I explained it wrong, I’ll give another example. I have a function to open and close a DIV <code> Function opens() { $("#box"). fadein(700); } Function close() { $("#box"). fadeOut(700); } </code> however I need to open other div’s and I don’t want to keep repeating Function, I would like something for .

  • I edited the answer, so I understood the question, take a look and see if it’s right.

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