How can I execute this query with Laravel 5?


Viewed 325 times


How I would perform the following query in Laravel 5:

SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(`anuncios`.`cat-id`)
FROM `anuncios` WHERE `anuncios`.`cat-id`=`categoria`.`cat-id`)
AS `cat-total`
FROM `categoria`
ORDER BY `cat-nome` ASC

2 answers


This way is with Inner Join. But if you want something even more organized, do what Wallace posted.

    $anuncios = Categoria::orderBy('cat-nome')
                ->join('anuncios', '', '=', '')
                ->selectRaw('*, count( as cat-total')


You have to create the models referring to the tables.

class Anuncio
     protected $table = 'anuncios';

class Categoria
      protected $table = 'categorias';

Then create the relationship in Anuncio for categorias.

public function categorias()
     return $this->hasMany('Categoria', 'cat-id', 'cat-id');

And finally, you don’t need the count in the SELECT, but can simply use a feature present in Collection of Laravel.

$anuncios = Anuncio::with('categorias')->get();

When using the foreach, just do:

foreach($anuncios as $anuncio)
      echo $anuncio->categorias->count();

It may seem more complex, but I would prefer to use the form with which the Laravel abstracts each table, to make it easier to reuse database data.

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