Doubt about each() Function


Viewed 163 times


In the example below, is displayed the multiplication of the value of the "checkbox" (if checked) by the value chosen in the "select" of the same line, there is a "reset" of the respective "select" when unchecking the "checkbox" and there is a result in parallel only the sum of the values of the select.

This code is the result of previous questions (lessons) here from Stack, with the tips I managed to make it work perfectly.

My beginner question is, is there redundancy in the code in this way that I did and is it possible to do everything with a single each()? As you can see, there are two "each()":

$('tr').each(function(){ _código_ }); and $('table input').each(function(){ _código_ });.

Following functional example for better understanding:

From now on, thank you for helping me learn.

  • Just warning, we missed one ) ai in the question code.

  • Thanks @Diegof, I made the corrections.

  • Danilo, one parenthesis is still missing: $('tr').each(function()) and $('table input').each(function(i))

  • Thanks @Diegof, I made the corrections...

  • Danilo, the each() serves to interact a collection running a particular code snippet, in your example, both collections are different and the executed code is also different... so the code does not have redundancy... you could even do it with a single each(), but the code would be dirty and make it difficult to understand it.

  • Got it @Tobymosque, thank you. In your opinion, didactically speaking, this is the best way to do this?

  • Yes, I believe it is.

  • @Tobymosque, thank you

  • @Tobymosque, good morning. Basically what changes for the use of each() methodology in a structure of "Divs", without table structure, tr... ? I am here trying to apply the last learning that you have passed me

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