How to Connect to Database by Reading INI File (Function and Class)


Viewed 592 times


How can I connect to the database (PHP in 3 Layers [Facade / Repository / Database]) by reading the information from a file. ini and assigning these values in a function within a class ?


class Banco {
  var $server;
  var $bd;
  var $user;
  var $password;
  var $erro;
  var $result;
  var $conexao;

  function Banco ($user="usuario",$pass="senha",$db="banco",$srv="servidor") {
    if(!$this -> SetConexao($srv,$user,$pass)) {
      $this -> SetErro("Erro de Conexão - ".mssql_get_last_message($this -> GetConexao()));
      return false;
    if(!$this -> SetBd($db)) {
      $this -> SetErro("Banco não Encontrado - ".mssql_get_last_message($this -> GetConexao()));
      return false;
.......... mais código .........

Arquivo . INI

user = usuario
pass = senha
db = banco
srv = servidor

Reading File . INI

$ini = parse_ini_file('config.ini', true);
$cUser = $ini['BANCO']['user'];
$cPass = $ini['BANCO']['pass'];
$cDb = $ini['BANCO']['db'];
$cSrv = $ini['BANCO']['srv'];

Class .... {


function Banco ($user=$cUser,$pass=$cPass,$db=$cDb,$srv=$cSrv) { <-- Erro ao conectar ao banco

Would anyone have any idea how I could make this kind of connection without having to undo the layers of connection in php ?

1 answer


You are mixing the class definition with the object instantiation. You do not pass the = so directly. You need to do something this way:


// Aqui vem a definação da classe
class Banco { 
// ...

// Aqui a instanciação
$ini = parse_ini_file('config.ini', true);
$cUser = $ini['BANCO']['user'];
$cPass = $ini['BANCO']['pass'];
$cDb = $ini['BANCO']['db'];
$cSrv = $ini['BANCO']['srv'];

$db = new Banco();
$db->Banco($cUser, $cPass, $cDb, $cSrv);
  • I had done so, but I was reading the ini outside the function of the bank instance, it was lack of attention even. Thank you

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