Create a web service that receives strings


Viewed 39 times


I have to create a serviço web, that this service will receive two Strings, a phone number and a message, which should be "pasted" into a C# I have to fire a message..

That is, through another app I have would be sent two strings, that this service should take and send to the C#!

Is it possible? If so, what is the route or path to it?

  • let me see if I understand , you want to create a web service that will receive a phone number and a message , and if these two are filled correctly you will display a return message ? your question by what it seems to me and very similar to what I did last week but I haven’t yet had the answer .

  • You can create a web api or web services for this.

  • I was answered in my topic , from a look at the answer I believe that its objective is identical to mine .

  • That friend, more or less that, but I made a messaging tool, which is in C# windows Forms, and another program I have would do the following action, by clicking on a client or a button whatever, would send the customer data (Number and message) for a service and that service would send to the C# that would trigger the message...

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