Togglecss except on some Ivs


Viewed 12 times


I have the following problem: I have a js that adds a certain style in a div or whole html. I would like to know how to ignore some Ivs so that this style is not added to them. Follow the code I am using:

 $('#efeito').click(function (e) {

That way, I don’t want to ignore just two Ivs whose id are #banners-rodape and #caixa-informativo

1 answer


Hello, you can use a class you will receive this event

<div class="EfeitoPagina"></div>
<div class="EfeitoPagina"></div>
<div class="EfeitoPagina"></div>
<div class="EfeitoPagina"></div>

        $('#efeito').click(function (e) {

So only div’s that have the class "Efeitopagina" will be affected

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