Laravel - Return HTML or JSON in the same Method


Viewed 849 times


I’m starting with Laravel, seeing from Rails, where to return a JSON I just put . json in the url, the return processing is obviously in the Controller.

My question is how to do something like Laravel. I would like, instead of creating a method to return html and another one to json, to have only one for both and in the view I could determine what the return would be.

  public function lista(){
    $produtos = 'select na tabela';
    return view('produtos.listagem')->withProdutos($produtos);

The above code returns htmlby default, you would choose the return type?



1 answer


My solution to this would be to detect the header of the requisition.

If required XHTTPRequest, we return JSON. If not, we return HTML.

Think of this idea:

Route::get('usuarios/listar', function (Request $request)

     $usuarios = Usuario::all();

     if ($request->ajax()) {

     return view('usuarios.listar', compact('usuarios'));

So if you go to the url, you’ll see the view. If you use a $.ajax, will return the JSON.


There is a method which, in my view, is better than $request->ajax(). This method is called $request->wantsJson(). It basically identifies whether the request sent a header saying what response JSON is accepted.

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