Problem with SUM in Namedquery


Viewed 66 times


I have the following NamedQuery:

@NamedQuery(name = "Controle.listarTotais", query = "SELECT controle.prestador, controle.tipoPrestador, SUM(controle.valorLote), SUM(controle.valorPago), SUM(controle.valorGlosa) FROM Controle controle WHERE controle.competencia.codigo = :competencia GROUP BY controle.prestador ORDER BY controle.prestador  ")

I use the function of aggregation SUM. I consult in this way:

public List<Controle> listarTotais(String competencia) {
        List<Controle> lista = new ArrayList<>();
        Session sessao = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
        Transaction transacao = null;
        try {
            transacao = sessao.beginTransaction();
            Query consulta = sessao.getNamedQuery("Controle.listarTotais");
            consulta.setString("competencia", competencia);
            lista = consulta.list();
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } finally {
        return lista;

This query returns a list of Controle, so far so good but the list comes in a different format than expected. The return of this list is a Array of Arraysand within these Arrays each index corresponds to an object item.


Array [ Array[5], Array[5], Array[5], Array[5] ] 

The Expected would be this:

Array [ Object, Object, Object, Object]

When I withdraw the SUM of NamedQuery works as expected. What would be the possible problem and how I can solve it?

1 answer


You can create a builder on Controle or in a new class that receives the values you are returning.


new Controle(Prestador pre, TipoPrestador tp, Float valorLote, Float valorPago, ... // resto dos atributos.

Ai in namedQuery using select new:

SELECT new Controle ( controle.prestador, controle.tipoPrestador, SUM(controle.valorLote), SUM(controle.valorPago), SUM(controle.valorGlosa) ) FROM Controle controle WHERE controle.competencia.codigo = :competencia GROUP BY controle.prestador ORDER BY controle.prestador
  • 1

    Thank you, problem solved

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