How to add my validation in Laravel Validator?


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In the Laravel, both the 4 and the 5, we have the class Validator, which allows specific validations to be made.

By default there are several, such as required, email, same and others.

But I would also like to be able to validate a phone number with ddd.


 $valores = ['telefone' => '(31)9995-5088'];

 $rules = ['telefone' => 'required|minha_validacao_de_telefone']

 Validator::make($valores, $regras);

How could I add a phone validation on Laravel?

Is there any way to add a regular expression in the validation of Laravel?

1 answer


Yes, in the Laravel you can add your own validation.

In the Laravel 4, just add the following code to the file app/start/global.php:

Validator::extend('telefone-com-ddd', function ($attributes, $value) {

    return preg_match('/^\(\d{2}\)\d{4,5}-\d{4}$/', $value) > 0;

To use, you can do so:

 Validator::make($valores, ['telefone' => 'required|telefone-com-ddd']);

In the Laravel 5, you have to create a ServiceProvider concerning your Validator costumed:

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class ValidatorServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

    public function boot()
        $this->app['validator']->extend('telefone', function ($attribute, $value)
             return preg_match('/^\(\d{2}\)\d{4,5}-\d{4}$/', $value) > 0; 

    public function register(){}

After that, it is necessary to add the name of this class in the config/app.php

'providers' => [
    // Other Service Providers


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