How to set Title in a`img`?


Viewed 81 times


Is there any way to set the title (Text) of the component img in the code behind?

   <td colspan="7">
      <img id="ProximoMes" src="../Images/Icons/dright.gif" />
  • you meant the attribute alt of <img> ?

  • Explain what you call title. What exactly do you want?

  • @bigown , would be the text that the image presents when the link (src) is not found, I took an application to do maintenance and came across this <img id="ProximoMes" title="Próximo Mês" runat="server" src="../Images/Icons/dright.gif" />, I’m taking everything that is TEXT to the code Behind for translation into other languages, but I searched the . NET’s IMG component does not have the title .

1 answer


  • That’s right vlw.

  • 1

    faltou to say that he needs to put the runat="server"

  • 1

    This in the comments .

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