Final date in D/M/A on a given number of days


Viewed 47 times


I need that when the user enters a number of days, the function should calculate and display in the format (DD/MM/YYYY) the final day summing the days received from today.

2 answers


Follow the way I use:

$qtdeDias = 5;
echo strftime('%d/%m/%Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), (date('d')+$qtdeDias), date('Y')));

Read more about the functions in the documentation:

I hope it helps, hugs.


If you want to calculate the date, disregarding the timetable, an alternative (from the PHP 5.1) is to use the flexibility of strtotime().

$qtde = 46;
echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime("today midnight +$qtde days"));

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