Run Android method when application is terminated


Viewed 123 times


I have an app that downloads and sends files via ftp. When the app starts it receives a text file and would like to send the file when the application is closed. I searched on how to do something when the application closes and found the methods onStop and onDestroy, but I don’t know if I’m doing it the right way

  public void onStop(Bundle savedInstanceState)

would be to call onStop method and inside it perform upload activity to the FTP server for example?

Because I call the download activity within the onCreate method and it works well

1 answer


If android destroy the process(by need to free memory for example), onDestroy() is not called and the same applies to onStop() for pre-HONEYCOMB applications..

To ensure that the file is sent do so on onPause().

Take into account that the method onPause() is also called when the Activity passes to background`(is no longer visible).

For more information see Activity . Lifecycle

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