How to call a Service through another app?


Viewed 357 times


I have two apps, the app 1 has several CRUD, the app 2 has several services and notifications.

When trying to start Service by App 1, this is happening:

java.lang.Securityexception: Not allowed to start service Intent { Cmp=com.example.Luiz.servicelocation/. Locationservice } without permission not Exported from uid 10059

Could I start a service of my app 2 through a button in my app 1?

  • This link explains how to communicate between apps

  • This is happening: Caused by: java.lang.Securityexception: Not allowed to start service Intent { Cmp=com.example.Luiz.servicelocation/. Locationservice } without permission not Exported from uid 10059

  • 2

    I think it worked, this setup <service android:name=". Locationservice" android:enabled="true" android:Exported="true" />

  • @Luizlanza Publish your solution as an answer to make life easier for those who have the same problem in the future.

  • Solution equal to @jdoper

1 answer


First look at your Androidmanifest.xml and copy the content into a package, in the case of "com.example.pedro.".

<manifest xmlns:android=""
package="com.example.pedro.aplicativo" ></manifest>

In your Activity use the code below, in the package variable put what you copied from package ( and in the variable put the name of the service class you want to call (with.example.pedro.aplicativo.Meuservico).

import android.content.ComponentName;

Intent intent = new Intent();
String pacote = "com.example.pedro.aplicativo";
String classe = "com.example.pedro.aplicativo.MeuServico";
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(pacote, classe));

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