Move files between folders with C#


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I have an application that checks and downloads a file as soon as it runs through the Window_Loaded.

Here is the method that performs this task:

        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        XmlNode node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Application/Version");
        XmlNode node1 = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Application/ZipFile");
        string version = node.InnerText;
        string zipfile = node1.InnerText;
        string End = (@"\\servidor\wwwroot\\dirdaaplicacao\");
        string file = (End + zipfile);
        string versionAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

        if (Convert.ToDouble(version) <= Convert.ToDouble(versionAssembly))
            MessageBox.Show("Sistema Atualizado " + version);
            ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(file);
                foreach (ZipEntry zipEntry in zipFile)
                    zipEntry.Extract(@"C:\IASD\Diretorio\Temp", ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);
            MessageBox.Show("Atualizando o sistema! A aplicação será reiniciada! Versão: " + version);

The executable and the installation files of this application are in c:\IASD\Diretorio and the files that are uncompressed will be in c:\IASD\Diretorio\Temp.

I created the Temp folder because it is not possible to download to the application directory a file that is being used (such as the application’s own .exe) even using the API.

zipEntry.Extract(@"C:\IASD\Diretorio", ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);

The error that is reported refers to The file 'nome_do_arquivo' already exists.

Then I would like a help to this problem:

At the end of the extract to the Temp folder I call a DOS command which closes the application, moves the files from the folder c:\IASD\Diretorio\Temp to the folder c:\IASD\Diretorio and restarts the application.

Note: I tested the above method running directly from Visual Studio and it worked perfectly.

If you can help with these commands in DOS.

1 answer


The . Net has a specific method for moving files:

System.IO.File.Move("c:\\origem.txt", "c:\\diretorio\\destino.txt");

Note that this method is able to move and also rename the file... to move only, indicate the same filename:

System.IO.File.Move("c:\\origem.txt", "c:\\diretorio\\origem.txt");

EDIT I think I understand what you want to do:

If you’re doing some kind of automatic updater, I’d do it like this:

You will have to make two applications then, a main one, and another that will be the updater.

  • In the main application, when clicking update, the main application should update the updater, then open the updater and then close.

  • The updater in turn updates the main application, starts the main application and then closes, all of this automatically.

  • How do I move a file that is running with the application open? I thought in a cmd command that as soon as the file is downloaded in temp folder, it would close the application, copy the files and then restart the application.

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