Send an array of a select to a URL using ajax


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I have a problem that I’m having a hard time solving even though it seems easy, and it would be this:

I have this select with array:

<select id="cidade" onchange="fLoadBairro();"  class="search-box__combo" multiple name="cidade[]">
    <option value="0" id="cidade">Cidade</option>
    <optgroup label="Cidades">

        $sql = $MySQLi->query("SELECT id, cidade, uf FROM cidades ORDER BY cidade ASC");
        while( $linha_1 = mysqli_fetch_array( $sql ) )

        echo '<option value="'.$linha_1['id'].'">' .$linha_1['cidade'].'/'.$linha_1['uf'].'</option>';



Note that on the tag name:cidade[], even many know.

Now this is my ajax:

function createXMLHTTP() {
    var ajax;
    try {
        ajax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    } catch(e) {
        try {
            ajax = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        } catch(ex) {
            try {
                ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
            } catch(exc) {
                 alert("Esse browser não tem recursos para uso do Ajax");
                 ajax = null;
        return ajax;

    var arrSignatures = ["MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0",
                            "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP",
    for (var i=0; i < arrSignatures.length; i++) {
        try {
            var oRequest = new ActiveXObject(arrSignatures[i]);
            return oRequest;
        } catch (oError) { 
    throw new Error("MSXML is not installed on your system.");

function ChamaAJAXDIV3(xDiv, xPagina, xVariaveis){
    var combo = createXMLHTTP();"post", xPagina, true);
    combo.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        if (combo.readyState==4){
            document.getElementById(xDiv).innerHTML = unescape(combo.responseText.replace(/\+/g," "));

And finally it would be the function of Ajax that requests the URL:

var $cidade = jQuery('form'),
data = $cidade.serialize();
function fLoadBairro(xDIV){
        ChamaAJAXDIV3("div_PesqBairros", "combo_cidades.php?id="+data);

See that in this function, I tried to get the array from the tag cidade[], and I’m not succeeding, but if I take the vectors from the city name tag and put it as city.value, it will only take the first value from the selected value tag from the list.

I need to take these values that are selected and send them as an array, or better there in the URL instead of going like this: combo_cidades.php?id=1, would go so: combo_cidades.php?id=1,2,3, if 3 checkboxes are selected from my select.

OBS I use the MULT-SELECT function that creates checkboxes inside the selects that everyone knows.

SUMMING UP : I need inside select when opening it, and select 3 checkbok with their values in the values, example, value:with id 1, value:with id 2 , value:with id 3, pick up and pass through the URL for me in PHP to use a explode and a foreach and separate them, then you can ask what all this, is that I want to apply this in a COMBO BOX and I need this return by PHP to generate the neighborhoods of each id selected in the city tag , since I am grateful and sorry for the giant text, is to be more clarified..

  • You need to convert to JSON to do this ai. Probably this link can help you:

  • Hello friend thanks for answering ,but there is no way to do so see I got to where : var value = []; value.push('1','3'); for(var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { Alert(value[i]); } Function fLoadBairro(xDIV){ with({ Namajaxdiv3("div_PesqBairros", "combo_cities.php?id="+value); } See that inside the push this way (1,2), it would have to be dynamically picked up from php...

  • But why don’t you use jQuery to make the ajax? It’s much simpler than what you’re doing now... You can popular select direct with PHP, but take the selected values with jQuery and use $.post() to send the data via ajax.

  • You could give me an example this way, for of the others I did, I did not succeed..

  • You can read these two articles from the jQuery documentation itself: - -

  • '<script language="javascript"> Function Neighborhoods(xDIV){ var select = Document.Forms[0]. city; var selectedList = []; for (var i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++) { if (select.options[i].Selected) { selectedList.push(select.options[i].value); } }Alert(Array.Join(selectedList, ",")); Chamaajaxdiv3("div_PesqBairros", "combo_cidades.php?id="+Array.Join(selectedList, ",")); }</script>'

  • I used this script above and managed to solve with it, but now I’m facing another problem , I think this is easier as I can get this array with php and print itlo and divide it, but I need to show this data on the screen but when I search the 2 ids marked by checkbox php only returns the last of the 2 captured ids, even if I do a foreach, type so send id=1 and id=2 and inside these ids have a column of neighborhoods why each id represents a city , there in this ids 1 and 2 it only shows the neighborhoods of id 2 and not of i , if I select ids, only picks up the last one..

  • I will do the following , as here can not put my php code for better understanding, I will open new topic for better understanding..

  • Please put an answer to the question...

  • About your answer I read the tutorial and did not have much success for what I wanted to do but now my problem is that I can not make a loop to imprint all ids coming from the array.

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