Method giving error when returning value


Viewed 47 times


I’m making the following mistake:

cannot find simbol.

He gives in the method Return, I checked my code and could not locate anything wrong.

Follow the code below:

 public ArrayList<String> verificarUsuario(){

    try {
        FileInputStream arquivo = new FileInputStream(caminho+"\\administrador.txt");
        InputStreamReader entrada = new InputStreamReader(arquivo);
        BufferedReader ler = new BufferedReader(entrada);
        String linha; 
        ArrayList<String>dados = new ArrayList<String>();
            linha = ler.readLine(); 

                 String[]palavra = linha.split(";");

                    for(int i =0;i<palavra.length;i++){



    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro: Arquivo não encontrado!");
    }catch(IOException err){
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro: "+err.getMessage());

     return dados;
  • 1

    Put a space between ArrayList<String> and dados, see if it works.

  • 1

    Young man, I’ll give you some tips to write a question: 1. Try to put a title that gives an explanation about your problem, nothing so abstract; 2. Don’t forget to let us know what language; 3. Explain your problem better, calmly. You can always improve your publication by clicking on [Dit]

  • I managed to fix it here already, I used the Netbeans patch that asked to create the data field in the class.

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