Click Framelayout does not work with Listview inside


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I have the following situation: I have a main layout that contains a listview inside. This listview keeps some distance from the edges of the layout and I positioned an External Layout literally over this listview occupying the entire screen. The problem in question is that the External Layout (Container) click only works in places where the listview does not occupy, if it is a more screen-centered area the click simply does not work.

Imagem para exemplificar a questão

I need the container click to occur even by clicking anywhere the listview is present. I already read the documentation about it but I couldn’t really implement anything that removes the click from the list and just click Container.

If you have suggestions of what can be done I thank you in advance.

  • Correct me if I got it wrong, you have a listview that takes up all your layout, and on top of this listview you have a frame layout, would that be it? If so, why not? If it is the case of your layout frame overwriting the list, you can put the list as invisible, in this way it would not be possible to interact with it.

  • Vitor was a matter of necessity implement this here, but it would basically be that. But I need the listview to continue displaying the list items but instead of scrolling the list and choosing a specific item the click on the whole 'card' (that would be the framelayout) takes me to the next item automatically.

  • If I can edit the question with some images of how you want it to work it would be easier to help, I don’t think I understand it clearly yet.

  • Vitor edited the question and put an image explaining the situation.

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