Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected token


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I get this error in the 3rd line of this code to make a lightbox appear with an image by clicking on it, using fancybox 2, with Cakephp. I can’t figure out why this is happening, someone can help me?

   <script type="text/javascript">
                $(document).ready(function() {

                        openEffect : 'none',
                        closeEffect : 'none',
                        helpers : {
                            title : {
                                type : 'float'



<table width="100%">
        foreach( $gallery_images as $gallery_image ):?>
    <td align="center" class="thumbnail" style="display:inline-block;">
        $src3 =$this->webroot. 'img/gallery/' .$gallery_image['GalleryImage']['path'];
        //$src3 = 'img/gallery/' .$gallery_image['GalleryImage']['path'];
        $this->Fancybox->setProperties( array( 
            'class' => 'fancybox3',
            'className' => 'fancybox.image',
            'title'=>'Single Image',
            'rel' => 'gallery1'
        $this->Fancybox->setPreviewContent($this->Timthumb->image('/img/gallery/' . $gallery_image['GalleryImage']['path'] , array('width' => 267, 'height' => 189)));

        echo $this->Fancybox->output();
    <?php $i++;
            echo "</tr><tr>";
<?php endforeach ?>



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                $home_link = "/html/PushUp_app/";

                $home_link = "/html/PushUp_app/admins/admin_index";

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                        openEffect : 'none',
                        closeEffect : 'none',
                        helpers : {
                            title : {
                                type : 'float'

    <?php echo $this->Js->writeBuffer(); ?>

  • $(".fancybox3").fancybox(e){ - This seems strange to me. Change this by $(".fancybox3").fancybox({ and the } extra. What do you want to do with e.preventDefault;? i.e. what behavior do you want to avoid? And by the way () in the e.preventDefault();

  • The preventDefault() was a solution that appeared in a thread about the fancybox not opening, which is my case, and apparently also wrong.

1 answer


Your syntax seems to be completely wrong, I think the correct is something like:

$(document).ready(function() {

        openEffect : 'none',
        closeEffect : 'none',
        helpers : {
            title : {
                type : 'float'


This is probably the cause of the error.

  • So I get a Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'fancybox'

  • This is an error caused by the fancybox plugin not yet loaded at the time you tried to use ($(".fancybox3").fancybox({) or at no time. Check the order of your scripts or whatever possibility is preventing the plugin from working.

  • The script was in the head, in the layout, but even after putting it just before the </body>, preciste error. I will put the whole layout in question as well.

  • That’s exactly it. The fancybox script should be placed below the jQuery script and above the fancybox script.

  • That’s what it looked like. jquery inclusion was right at the top and this script even before </head>. The content using this script is below. EDIT After checking the documentation of the plugin again, I think maybe I shouldn’t even have to write this script. From what I realized the invoke.fancybox.js already have the scripts to make everything work. But something is missing and I don’t understand what.

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