How to perform UPDATE with ORDER BY on sql server?


Viewed 3,103 times


I would like to perform an update ordering the results of the same, for this I wanted to run an update like this:

UPDATE pessoa SET nome = 'Jose' 
WHERE sobrenome LIKE '%Betalla%'

But when I try to perform this update there is an incorrect syntax error near "ORDER".

I would like to order by to get the first result of the ordered query.

  • 5

    But the UPDATE does not return anything, as hell you want to use the ORDER BY? the.0

  • One of the reasons is update does not return records, it can even return the number of affected lines which is something totally different ;)

  • You can select with this query after the update or generate N updates with a select so you can get the id of all lines that will be changed.

  • 1

    I wanted to order the order in which the update will be carried out, would have how to accomplish this?

  • Update will not return records. What could be is an [tag:Insert] with [tag:select] already sorted.

  • @William Why? It makes no sense that you need to order how the command will happen. In the end the result is the same.

  • @Eduardomendes in the case I think I need an update, so an update with select already sorted would solve?

  • I think the closest would be, like, SELECT +'UPDATE .... WHERE sobrenome like \'%abc\'+ id FROM tabela ORDER BY algo

  • @DH. has a case here that this ordering would alter the final result, so.

  • 1

    @William Only situation that I can imagine this is trying to update a Primary Key being that the table points to itself, but there is a good reason to exist Constraint that prevents the value of a PK change

  • @William, I saw a solution for update with select, take a look at this link and see if it helps you

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3 answers


Based on your comment William you can force an update based on an ordered query, but for that you will need to use a cursor.

The curosr will slow down your update.

Your script will look something like this

declare @id nvarchar(4000)
declare pap_log cursor read_only forward_only for 

select id from  pessoa 
WHERE sobrenome LIKE '%Betalla%'

open pap_log
fetch next from pap_log into @id
while @@fetch_status = 0

UPDATE pessoa SET nome = 'Jose' 
WHERE id =@id

fetch next from pap_log into @id
close pap_log
deallocate pap_log

Anything you ask there


To use ORDER BY in the update, you need to use a subquery and sort it with the OVER clause, for example:

;WITH pessoaAux AS(
  SELECT Id, Nome, Idade, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by nome asc) rowNumber
  FROM pessoa 
UPDATE pessoa SET Ordem = rowNumber
FROM pessoa p
INNER JOIN pessoaAux pAux on p.Id = pAux.Id

It is also possible to perform the ORDER BY in the subquery, but it is necessary to have the clause TOP, OFFSET or FOR XML, as in the example:

;WITH pessoaAux AS(
  SELECT TOP 10 Id, Nome, Idade
  FROM pessoa 
UPDATE pessoa SET nome = 'novo valor do nome'
FROM pessoa p
INNER JOIN pessoaAux pAux on p.Id = pAux.Id



On the question raised in the title: There is no ORDER BY in a SQL UPDATE comando. Postgres updates lines in arbitrary order. But you have options (limited) to decide whether restrictions are checked after each row, after each statement or at the end of the transaction. You can avoid duplicate key breaches for intermediate states with DEFERRABLE restriction.

See more details here.

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