How to resolve "Type Mismatch: cannot Convert from element type Object to Message"?


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I was studying JSF and found this site where teaches to create a basic chat using JSF, primefaces and ajax:

I have the Messagemanager class

public class MessageManager implements MessageManagerLocal {

    private final List messages =
            Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());;

    public void sendMessage(Message msg) {
        msg.setDateSent(new Date());

    public Message getFirstAfter(Date after) {
            return null;
        if(after == null)
            return messages.get(0);
        for(Message m : messages) {
                return m;
        return null;


But an error occurs on this line return messages.get(0); and in this for(Message m : messages) {.

The first mistake tells to make one cast, then I did and the mistake was gone, but the second mistake (for(Message m : messages) {) he points out the following message:

Type Mismatch: cannot Convert from element type Object to Message

How can I fix this mistake?

1 answer


The problem in this case is that you do not specify what type of object exists in the LinkedList in

private final List messages = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());

then the JVM has no way of ensuring that Object is an instance of a Message. To resolve this, you just need to change the statement to

private final LinkedList<Message> messages = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Message>());

Another alternative is to actually run the loop with a Object, but cast for Message right away:

for(Object o : messages) {
    Message m = (Message) o;
        return m;

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