Capture click with Jquery and add css


Viewed 261 times


I am a beginner in Jquery and have the following question. I own a div and a ul with several li.

To ul is as display:none, want to trigger display:block when I click the div. As below:

   <div class="divTitulo">Residencial</div>
   <ul class="ulDisplayNone">
      <li class="liDisplayNone">item1</li>
      <li class="liDisplayNone">item1</li>
      <li class="liDisplayNone">item1</li>
      <li class="liDisplayNone">item1</li>
      <li class="liDisplayNone">item1</li>
      <li class="liDisplayNone">item1</li>
      <li class="liDisplayNone">item1</li>

The script I made, it was like this:

  $( ".divTitulo" ).click(function() {

It’s not working, what I did wrong?

But how do I hide the div I activated?

I tried to


I don’t know if the syntax is correct.

3 answers


Correct to:

$(".produtosMenuItensDiplay").css("display", "block");

The first parameter is the property and the second is the value, but you can also pass a literal object to edit more than one property with just one call:

$(".produtosMenuItensDiplay").css({display: "block"});



If you want to improve your script you can replace with:


So you avoid another class and can reuse the script.

The complete script the way I see it best would look next to this:

$('.divTitulo').on('click', function() {


  • Thank you friend. A question a bit like beginner. This script I put before div and ul? or can it be after? Would that be correct? <script> $(". productsMenuItensDiplay"). css({"display", "block"}); });</script>

  • I’ll edit the answer with the full shape of how it would look.

  • Best guy, I did on Jsfiddle, if you can look:

  • 1


  • You just modified the script?

  • No, I removed a Ode display where I didn’t need it...

  • Thanks Diego, it worked 100% :)

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You can do this in many ways
one of them is of the form below:


    $( ".divTitulo" ).click(function() {


    $( ".divTitulo" ).click(function() {


    $( ".divTitulo" ).click(function() {

This way you will display with the first click and hide with a second click


The correct way to use CSS in jQuery is $(".ulDisplayNone").css("display", "block");

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