Run VBA code from text file


Viewed 4,914 times


I have a code in VBA that queries the database and saves it in a text file, but to run this script I have to open the Excel and perform the macro, this process has to be carried out from minute to minute, as I need the information in real time.

It is possible to run this macro from a text file to avoid unnecessary memory consumption?

  • 1

    façca as the friend there informed, convert your VBA module into Vbscript, are very similar and call your routine using wscript.exe or cscript.exe within System32 or SYSWOW64

  • 1

    It would be interesting for you to share your code so we could help you better.

3 answers


Have you tried creating a file vbs (VB Script)? In this file you can use VB Script to do whatever you want, independent of excel. There are probably some differences, but nothing that can’t be adapted.

Examples in Vbscript:

bank create.vbs

' criando banco de dados

Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=MIGUELANGELO-NB\SQL2008R2; Integrated Security=SSPI;"

On Error Resume Next
    Set command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    command.ActiveConnection = conn

    command.CommandText = "CREATE DATABASE TestDb"
    If Err.Number = 0 Then

        command.CommandText = "     " &_
        "   USE TestDb;             " &_
        "   CREATE TABLE Pessoas    " &_
        "   (                       " &_
        "       id int NOT NULL,    " &_
        "       nome varchar(max),  " &_
        "       PRIMARY KEY (id)    " &_
        "   );                      "

        If Err.Number = 0 Then

            command.CommandText = "USE TestDb; INSERT INTO Pessoas (id,nome) VALUES (0, 'Miguel');"

            command.CommandText = "USE TestDb; INSERT INTO Pessoas (id,nome) VALUES (1, 'Angelo');"

            command.CommandText = "USE TestDb; INSERT INTO Pessoas (id,nome) VALUES (2, 'Santos');"

            command.CommandText = "USE TestDb; INSERT INTO Pessoas (id,nome) VALUES (3, 'Bicudo');"

        End If
    End If
On Error Goto 0


' lendo o banco de dados

Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=MIGUELANGELO-NB\SQL2008R2; Initial Catalog=TestDb; Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
const ForWriting = 2
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("saida.txt", ForWriting, True)

rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Pessoas;", conn
While Not rs.EOF
    id = rs("id")
    nome = rs("nome")
    file.WriteLine "id = " & id & "; nome = " & nome


It is also possible to use Jscript (Javascript) instead of Vbscript.

To run just double click on the file that should already work. Unless you have associated .vbs with another program. In this case, you have to run using command line: cscript nome-arquivo.vbs

  • Hi Miguel. You could provide an example here, in your reply. :)

  • 1

    For this I will have to start from some assumptions because the question does not inform almost anything about what is being done in the VBA script. Just a moment I’ll create something. = D

  • Except he already has the VBA code, right... Converting to JS can take more work than "converting" to VBS (converting between quotes because the difference is very little between one and the other). Anyway, after I answered is that I saw that this was old case hehehe (someone modified something and got on the list of active questions).

  • @Caffé Converted to Vbscript.

  • Valeu Miguel! :)


You can Create a Batch File to Call Your Excel File.

call C:\diretorio\do\arquivo\ArquivoExcel.xlsm

And in your Excel file you leave your macro as auto executable when opening the spreadsheet.

Ex.: if every time the excel file is opened you want it to show a message "Welcome!"

1 - In VBA you select "This workbook"

2 - In the tab just above, in place of General, already select "Workbook"

vba will give you the command line "Private sub workbook_open()" and then you paste your macro in.

Private sub workbook_open()
Msgbox "Bem vindo!"
End sub

Chamada VBA

Ready. You can close the spreadsheet and run the file .bat it will open the spreadsheet and the macro will be executed automatically.

Observing: To get even better, you can download a converter .bat for .exe and turn it into an app. Just for more presentable (Maybe Voce wants other users to run it).

  • Good solution, but it would not work for what was questioned, because the author of the question wants it to run every X seconds, while yours . bat or . exe would depend on a manual run (not considering Windows scheduling, etc.)


The solution is to use VBS instead Excel VBA, as said by @Miguel Angelo.

Below follow more details (I was complementing his reply but it ended up getting too long).

First program in VBS - create a file called test.vbs with the following content:

msgbox "Hello, World!"

When you double-click the file, this message will be shown on the screen. Simple as that. The script can also, of course, be invoked by the command prompt (aka "DOS").

Excel uses VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) and this other method uses VBS (Visual Basic Script). There are differences (for example, in VBS you do not specify the type of variables) but it is very easy to convert one into the other. And using VBS you can also access Excel resources if you need.

Example of how to access the database using ADO in VBS:

Example of how to read text file in VBS:

Between these examples and the code you already have in the Excel macro, the differences are basically the statements of variables and the way to get Activex objects. For example, in VBA in Excel you do so:

Set conexao = New ADODB.Connection

And using VBS you do so:

Set conexao = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

To run the script at regular intervals, you can use the Task Scheduler or you can loop your own script node with a wait time between iterations. For example:

WScript.Sleep 1000 * 60

The above code keeps the script execution stopped on this line for a minute.

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