How to list routes in Laravel (No Artisan)?


Viewed 2,281 times


In the Laravel 4 i know how to list all routes through the command line. Just do php artisan routes.

However, now, I have need to do this in the source code of my application.

That is, I need to list the routes (in a foreach for example), capturing their name.

Can you do that? I would like an answer that would work so hard on Laravel 4 and in the Laravel 5.

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2 answers


Wallace, you can do it this way:

foreach (Route::getRoutes() as $route) {

The class Route is a stab for the class Illuminate\Routing\Router in the Laravel.

So if you look in this class, it has a method called Router::getRoutes. This method will return an instance of Illuminate\Routting\RouteCollection, which is a collection of routes (Illuminate\Routing\Route not to be confused with Router) that you added to Laravel.

If you want to transform the class object RouteCollection in a array, just call the method again getRoutes (but this time, this method is RouteCollection and not of Router).



You can also capture the route name using the method Illuminate\Routing\Route::getName().


foreach (Route::getRoutes() as $route) {


Complementing the reply of the friend above follows the code:

Filing cabinet /Routes/web.php

Route::get('/rotas', 'TesteController@index');

Filing cabinet /app/Http/Controlers/Testecontroller.php

public function index()
    return view("rotas", [
       'resource' => Route::getRoutes()->getRoutes()

Filing cabinet /Resources/views/routes.blade.php

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
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    <title>Rotas API</title>
<div class="container">
    <table class="table table-striped">
        @foreach($resource as $rs)

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