Insert/update with values from other tables


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I have this bd. I want to do an Insert/update the table misses_licao. But I don’t have any id, just the numbers and names. How do I make an Insert/update to relate to another table?

Dim sql As String = "insert into Faltas_Licao values ()"
  • you want to do an update or Insert?

1 answer


I didn’t quite understand your question because it is update in the title and context you use Insert, but come on, you can use select to do this as follows.

Declare @disciplinas table
    Id_Disciplina int,
    Nome varchar(50),
    Descricao varchar(200),
    Aluno_Id int

insert into @disciplinas values(1,'sql','mod 1',1)

Declare @Alunos table
    Id_Aluno int,
    Descricao varchar(200),
    Id_Turma int,
    Nome varchar(50)
    -- ......
insert into @Alunos values(1,'.....',1, 'joão')
Declare @Licao table
    Id_Turma int,
    Id_Disciplina int,
    Licao int
    -- ......
insert into @Licao values(1,1,1)
Declare @Turma table
    Id_Turma int,
    Nome varchar(50)
    -- ......
insert into @Turma values(1,'teste 1')

Declare @Faltas_Licao table
    Id_Turma int,
    Id_Disciplina int,
    Licao int,
    Tipo varchar(50),
    Descricao varchar(200),
    Aluno_Id int

insert into @Faltas_Licao 

select t.Id_Turma, l.Id_Disciplina,l.Licao, 'falta', 'falta por atraso', a.Id_Aluno
from @Turma t
join @Licao l
on l.Id_Turma = t.Id_Turma
join @disciplinas d
on d.Id_Disciplina = l.Id_Disciplina
join @Alunos a
on a.Id_Aluno = d.Aluno_Id
-- where ...?? 

--ou update
update fl 
set fl.Id_Turma = t.Id_Turma, 
fl.Id_Disciplina = l.Id_Disciplina,
fl.Licao = l.Licao,
fl.Tipo = 'falta',
fl.Descricao = 'outro motivo', 
fl.Aluno_Id = a.Id_Aluno
from @Faltas_Licao fl
join @Turma t
on fl.Id_Turma = t.Id_Turma
join @Licao l
on l.Id_Turma = t.Id_Turma
join @disciplinas d
on d.Id_Disciplina = l.Id_Disciplina
join @Alunos a
on a.Id_Aluno = d.Aluno_Id
-- where ...?? 

select * from @Faltas_Licao
  • You’re right. Since I have to do both on the show, that’s why I got confused writing the question. Taking into account that I already have values in the other tables, how do I do the Insert in the table 'fault_licao' just knowing the lesson number the discipline name, and the class name?

  • or is this the Insert I have to do? 
insert into @Faltas_Licao 

select t.Id_Turma, l.Id_Disciplina,l.Licao, 'falta', 'falta por atraso', a.Id_Aluno
from @Turma t
join @Licao l
on l.Id_Turma = t.Id_Turma
join @disciplinas d
on d.Id_Disciplina = l.Id_Disciplina
join @Alunos a
on a.Id_Aluno = d.Aluno_Id
-- where ...?? 
 plus the above statements?

  • Yeah, you’re gonna have to assemble a consult. Select * from suas_tabelas to get the values to do the Insert in the table you want, as they are more than one table will need to use the JOIN to join them. As you spoke ... how do I make the insert in the table 'faltas_licao' just knowing the lesson number the discipline name, and the class name user those fields on Where or in the union of tables.

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