The difference between Software Service and Standalone


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I have a question about Softwares who function as Service and others that function as Standalone.

Software Service (background process)

A background process is a computer process that runs "in behind the scenes" (i.e., in the background) and without user intervention.

Background Process

Standalone Software

They are called stand-alone or stand-alone (literally "stand-up by themselves") completely self-sufficient programs: for their operation they do not need an auxiliary software, such as an interpreter, under which they will have to be run.


  1. Note: I used the background process, because it was the closest to a background service that I found. The word service, serviço etc., falls outside the scope of.
  2. Note: I’m using term Service and Standalone, why I saw a program that brings the two installation options and need to understand why.

  1. What is the difference between the two types?
  2. When a software is standalone can I accept that it is "backgroud process"? or vice versa.
  3. I believe that if a program has these two options for installation there must be a difference.
  • Do you have an example program that offers these two options? I saw that you accepted my answer, but maybe it doesn’t apply to your case - because one thing is the life cycle of the system (who starts, who ends, how the user interacts with it) and another is its dependencies (whether it is "tied" to the current OS configuration or not).

2 answers


Note: if the two terms are presented as options in installing a system, then they probably refer to the way in which the dependencies this system will be managed - and not the way the life cycle the program is managed (as my answer assumes). See response from Gypsy Morrison Mendez for more details.

The two concepts are orthogonal, ie have no relation to each other. You can have a system that is standalone and one background process, you can have one that is only one or only the other, and you can have one that is neither of the two.

As explained in response from Gypsy Morrison Mendez, an app standalone is self-sufficient, possessing everything you need to function without dependency on external applications. However, there is a limit - programs are usually compiled for a specific architecture, and usually also for a specific operating system. This means that there is rather dependence on the OS, there is only in relation to others applications and libraries that are not native part of this OS. Even a distributed system in source code format requires at least one compiler to turn it into executable code.

The concept of service, on the other hand, is more or less the following: when the operating system starts, a series of other programs are put into execution, until it is ready to receive commands from the user (either via graphical interface or via terminal). All these programs are called "services" (with the exception of the "normal" applications that the user has chosen to start when "turning on the computer"). They usually don’t have a window, or an icon on the taskbar, and the only way to interact with them is through their service interface (which can be via socket, pipe, http requests, etc.). They may also not be "opened" or "closed" by the user (except forced closure), as their life cycle is controlled by the OS itself.

It should be noted that background process is different from service: in *NIX systems at least any process may be sent to the background (and later brought back to the foreground) through a specific command. But that doesn’t make it a service - because if you close the terminal/log out, all the processes that that terminal started are closed as well. For the "survive closure" process, it is necessary that it has been explicitly configured for this (as described above).

(and if this is not clear, "send to the background" means that the terminal is free to execute other commands; or in the case of a graphical interface, it means that the program no longer has a window)

  • 1

    Like the installation options for Firebird Database, which asks if it will be installed as an application or service? This in Windows. When installed as a service you don’t "see it". But when installed as an application it already gives you an icon for iteration on Quick Laucher.


Background Process is dependent on and managed by the operating system. Therefore, it is subject to behavior changes with upgrades and migrations. It is usually smaller and does not require much configuration.

Standalone usually indicates that the application is self-sufficient. It has all libraries to work independent of the installation of the operating system. Although it is larger and requires more configurations, the Standalone is best suited for stability and for servers that receive continuous updates that may impair the operation of the application.

  • It clarifies a question: in the context of the question ("I’m using the term Service and Standalone, why I saw a program that brings the two installation options and need to understand why.") is common the same software offer both modalities as described in your reply (i.e. install only what you need or install everything)? Sorry for the ignorance, but I have no experience with installing complete systems on servers... (I only know systems that either package the dependencies or do not package) If the answer is "yes" then in fact this should be the right answer.

  • 1

    @mgibsonbr Application or database servers usually have these options, especially for Windows. There is the option to install the software as a service (in Background Process) or autonomously (Standalone). There are some options for Linux, but usually on Linux it is already Standalone by package dependency.

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