Inclusion of acquisitions by include


Viewed 46 times


I bought a PHP course and in it the teacher made a generic function to include the files in index.php. But when I add a php call above the <!DOCTYPE html>, Add all the code and also does not make the file include call. If anyone can help please thank!

index php.

require ('./dts/dbaSis.php');
require ('./dts/getSis.php');
require ('./dts/setSis.php');
require ('./dts/outSis.php');

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br">

        <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <?php include('./js/jscSis.php'); ?>


 <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php setHome(); ?>/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php setHome(); ?>/lightbox/dist/js/lightbox.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php setHome();?>/lightbox/dist/css/lightbox.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
              auto: true,
              autoHover: true,
              autoControls: false,
              controls: false
        'resizeDuration': 200,
        'wrapAround': true
  • How is your folder structure? If index.php is at the root of your project folder and the folder dts is in the same location, remove the point before the bar.

  • add this at the top of the file ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); and see what returns

  • It is in the same directory yes. I used netbeans to make the cumin of the aquives by auto complete. I have already done several tests with the path, but it remains the same. I added ini_set() but nothing has changed. If you have any more say I thank you already

  • @Carlos Netbens doesn’t always use the right paths. Try to remove that point before the path at all links and see what gives.

  • I’ve done it, all the ways and nothing. When I put this code here: <? php require ('./dts/dbaSis.php'); require ('./dts/getSis.php'); require ('./dts/setSis.php'); require ('./dts/outSis.php'); ? > html does not appear. I’ll do some more tests and come back here later.

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